Russian National Attributes -
for all who interested in Russia
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This site was made for all who interested in Russia, here you can find many things which is well known for Russia, which is already in Soviet Union history, Russian souvenirs, Orthodox church acessories part of site which is supported by Orthodox church in Siberia, and numizmatic page.

Orthodox church acessories

(Supported by old Orthodox church in Siberia)

Russian Clothing

(Fur hats, national clothes, valenki, laces, military acessories, star buttons, uniform)

Gifts items and Souvenirs

(Matreshkas, samovars, portraits, cards,  russian wooden spoons, Russian flag. Soviet Union Flag)

Numizmatic-Bonistic page

(Coins, paper money of different years issued)

Russian postage stamps

(Soviet Union period, all are only one in collection)

Russian Music and Video

(Cd's of Russian famous classical music by Chaykovsky, Modern pop music, VHS's, DVD's in Russian language of different Soviet Union movies in Russian, nostalgie)


(Rare antiques you can not find other place dated Russian Monachy period, Revolution and Soviet Union)


(Russian keyboard for your computer to type Russian letters, old Soviet Union cinema and photo cameras Zenit, Zorkiy, FED, Unost was very popular)

Russian books 

(Classical poems by Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Bulgakov, Nabokov. Modern writers poems in original language, English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries)


Russian jewellery 

(Russian Jewellery made by famouse jeweller in Siberia, cheap and good quality, gold, silver, brilliant jewelley)

Subscribe Russian newspaper or magazine

(Subscribe Russian newspaper or magazine if you live abroad of Russia and want to read Russian news, you get by post your order after 2 weeks newspaper or magazine issued. Pravda, Komsomolskaya Pravda, AIF, Speed Info, and many other popular Russian printed media)


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